Monochromatic photo of a caucasian male in his early twenties, slightly overweight, shoulder-length hair tied at the back, wearing slightly crooked square-framed glasses and a black T-shirt upon an empty background.

Leonardo Giovanni Scur

Hi! I'm Leonardo, a game programmer who also makes web things in his spare time.

Ludum Darekroltan

Work Experience

Software Developer III at Prodigy Education

Started 2023

Development and maintenance of Prodigy Math, a classroom and home-use educational math game, using a custom TypeScript-based web game engine.

Game Software Engineer at Afterverse

2021 to 2023

Development of user-facing and internal features for PK XD (Android, iOS, Desktop), a 3D multiplayer social game for kids (think Club Penguin styled after The Jetsons) with >100 million downloads. Some of my work on it:

  • Marking backpack items as favorites for easier access to preferred items;
  • Health, score and respawn logic for shooter-based UGC games, from networking, to gameplay, and UI;
  • Significant performance and architectural improvements to the usage of Addressables for loading of player-created houses and games;

I worked mainly with C# on the Unity game client, but would sometimes dip into the server-side Protobuf and Kotlin code when needed. Also worked on the software architecture, fundamental features and tooling for unannounced projects.

Built an ECS-inspired architecture to standardize the local access as well as network synchronization of interactive game objects for an unannounced project, allowing for faster development of networked gameplay features. Using said architecture, implemented an object picking menu for touchscreen interactions between player and world in third-person.

Game Development Analyst at DOT Digital Group

2018 to 2021

Design, planning, and development of educational games, corporate training games, and simulators in Unity.

Worked on a variety of projects that used various unconventional technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, as well as targeting mobile and web platforms.

  • A VR harvesting combine simulator, with an accurate replica of a real machine's control panel and harvesting process. The goal was to offer a practice environment for new operators;
  • Web-based games for embedding into e-learning platforms. Both low-spec 3D, and 2D games;
  • Various quiz style games for mobile and web, such as Programa Agrinho, a fully-offline mix of quizzes and activities for rural school children;

Architected and developed an in-house tool for authoring and publishing visual novel/interactive fiction games, using a node-based workflow with a graphical editor written in Unity. This allowed non-technical writers to build the entire plot of a game in a single tool, while the technical team implemented any specific gameplay modules required by each individual project.

Web Developer at Lagoasoft

2016 to 2018

Front-end web development and maintenance of Knockout, Angular, and React web applications. Implemented designs created by internal and external teams as well as implemented connections to REST web APIs.

Later, leading development in React web applications as well as a React Native mobile application.

Web Developer Intern at Chaordic

2013 to 2015

Some reasonably diverse experiences: mostly front-end AngularJS development, implementing layouts and functionality for dashboards and administration panels.

Secondarily, I also helped maintain back-end data transformation and transfer scripts in Python, interacting with AWS features. As well as some maintenance and monitoring in Docker-based infrastructure.

Personal Project Details


Game Design and Development, Ludum Dare roguelike+snookers mashup

An entry to the famous Ludum Dare game jam. Can be played in your browser.

This is a very creative dungeon crawling game, with a very important twist: You play as a cueball, and fight through pool/billiards rules or RPG-style attacking! This game features a complete loot and inventory system, and a infinite game session with over 20 items to be found and 15 levels to explore!

I acted as a developer together with an artist, and a musician. Also designed the page for the game.

Farm Fortress 2

Game Design and Development, 3D Modeling, Ludum Dare low poly strategy/"factory" game

An entry to the famous Ludum Dare game jam. Can be played in your browser.

A resource production chain game where you manage a food production chain, from planting wheat to selling bread!

I acted as sole author, performing all the game design, programming, 2D and 3D art.

Woofice Chair

Game Development, Ludum Dare wave survival game about cute dogs versus buff animals

An entry to the famous Ludum Dare game jam. Can be played in your browser.

This is a goofy wave survival game where you play as one of 3 excellent dogs stuck on a spinning office chair! Your objective is to defend the dog park from invading body-building cats, pigeons and squirrels, while keeping top angular speed!

I acted as a developer together with another developer, an artist, and a musician.

Joule Thief

Game Design and Development, Ludum Dare arcade "mob kiting" game

An entry to the famous Ludum Dare game jam. Can be played in your browser.

This game is about some guy whose phone's battery is low, and he must break into houses and venues to steal electricity from the outlets. But the police is after him for being a Joule Thief!

I acted as a developer together with an artist, and a musician. Also designed the page for the game.

Super Sellout

Game Development, Ludum Dare game about user-defined difficulty

An entry to the famous Ludum Dare game jam. Can be played in your browser.

Monetization Man is a modern superhero with modern minor internet celebrity issues: he needs money! Take on absurd sponsorships and try to save as many people as you can!

I acted as a developer together with another developer, an artist, musician and a level designer.


Reverse Engineering, Native and Web Development, UGC platformer game

Community-created alternate server for Atmosphir, a game whose official services was shutdown. Lots of reverse-engineering work went into it, resulting in a (honestly very messy) PHP codebase. In my defense, I was 15!

We also implemented a surrounding ecosystem for users:

  • Multiplatform game launcher that automatically updates the game, in C# and GTK#
  • Landing page to inform new users, which eventually was bestowed the official domain name by the game's erstwhile developers.

I acted as a developer and project manager for the server project, as well as helping conceptualize and develop other tools related to the game. The team size varied over time, but was at its most composed of 4 people.